Apolly replied

587 weeks ago

From the talks last night, it appears that a lot of people are in need of seals.

I should be around all weekend if anyone is interested in seal farming. Please note, it is my understanding that the LS is currently lacking a BLM with all procs (correct?). If so, we may need to save a spot for the seal farms and pug a BLM.

If you are in need of seals, please respond, and I will work on finding NMs that matches everyone's needs.

Quips Default replied

587 weeks ago

I'm definitely interested in seal farming! In the next few days I will continue to work towards developing jobs and skills that can contribute to this process.

Alynru Muru Default replied

587 weeks ago

We have some BLMs with procs:

Yaches (but Yaches would be better utilised as NIN or THF I think)
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